Our Story

We are a Christian wellness company!

We are passionate about Jesus, truth, freedom, America, food, physical fitness, athletics, self defense, hunting and land management, education, communication, service, prepping/ survivalism/ homesteading, family, and just loving on people in general!

So how did we get started and why are we here? The full story is way too long to tell here, but let's try to summarize!

A long-haired little boy who loved rock and roll grew up in the hood outside of Atlanta GA. He used what little Tae Kwon Do skills he had to fight off groups of thugs. Sometimes he won. He knew he wanted to be strong like the 80's action heroes he grew up with, so he started in the weight room as soon as possible. Same little man played football and wrestled in high school, and eventually got into a little boxing and BJJ. He got really into bodybuilding, and fitness became a passion. He became a personal trainer in college and eventually ran the weight room at the University he attended. He majored in business and stayed for his master's. During this time, he became educated by the University Wellness Council, and learned about the difference between fitness and wellness. The passion for fitness transitioned into a passion for wellness. Powerlifting and Bodybuilding happened. Eventually, this man was finally able to open his own gym. He loved serving his community and helping them to increase their wellness by improving their fitness. Many of the members called his gym a sanctuary. Christian music was played and the owner could be seen laying hands on people and praying for them. This same guy eventually sold his gym and moved to another state because the Lord told him to. You see, this guy is one of those Jesus freaks. Not just one of those guys who goes to church sometimes, but one of the one's who has had powerful encounters with the one true God, the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  So when the Lord says to sell your gym that you always wanted and the house you love, and to move your family to Northwest Arkansas, you say, "Yes sir!" 

This I Am Well company is part of a larger vision that the Lord gave our founder Jonathan in a dream, all the way back in 2004. Ever since, Jonathan has remained faithful to pursue the vision, through all of its ups and downs, peaks and valleys, twists and turns, meanderings, and what has appeared to be hard-stops at times. Any true Christian, trying to walk the narrow path to find the straight gate will tell you that a life of obedience is anything but boring! We don't have the resources to pull off the grand vision presently, but we are choosing to focus on what we can do, in obedience, and hope that what we can do will increase as the Lord blesses our willingness to offer up our little bit of fish and bread. 

The mission of this company is to further the possibility of wellness for the world. This means eventually we hope to offer products, services, and education that help to improve each component of your individual wellness: physical, spiritual, intellectual, emotional, occupational, social, and environmental. We also aim to continue to improve the quality of our products while driving down costs. Our goal is to always source and produce as much as possible in the USA. We still love the entire world of course and hope to be a blessing to everyone. In order to do that we have to be in a strong position to do so. This means you take care of your own house and strengthen your position so that you are able to be a blessing to others. Great wisdom is required to know how and when to plant, harvest, and share. We will do our best to be responsible stewards of any and all resources which we are trusted to manage. In spite of the volatility of the world and all of the impending chaos, we are hopeful that the Lord will bless our efforts, so that we are increasing in our ability to bless others and point to Him as the days get darker.

Why the name, "I Am Well"? Several reasons! You're only truly well when you are praising and worshiping the great I AM in repentance and obedience. Our logo is a reflection of this truth. When we say, "I AM WELL", it's not some New Age attempt at invoking some pathetic counterfeit personal divinity. It's a recognition of the one true God, the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth who is the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and a nod back to Exodus 3:13-15 when He told Moses His name. The Bible tells us that the earth is the footstool of God, and that He sits on top of the firmament watching everything that we do, so our logo is also a reflection of the truth of Biblical cosmology. In addition to all of this, we understand the reality that we have been delegated authority to both bless and curse with our tongues. We can speak life through blessings over ourselves, our families, our enemies, and even just strangers in our communities. Or we can choose to curse all of those same people with our words, creating death and destruction in their lives. We choose to speak blessings! Most of the words you hear from the world, whether subtle or obvious, are designed to curse you. Most of the words people have been conditioned to speak are evil lies designed to bring you closer to chaos and death. As pestilences are released on the world, along with every other attack on our health, perhaps the most important declaration you can speak over yourself to break the curses that are designed to destroy you would be to say outloud, powerfully and confidently, with courage and faith, "I AM WELL!" We hope any time you see any of our products, read our books, or even just remember that we exist, that you choose to speak out loud the blessing "I AM WELL" over yourself. No matter what comes in the days ahead, remember that Jesus is your healer. By His stripes you ARE HEALED!  If you are healed, then you are well! Believe it! Move forward in life as if that is true, because if you have faith, IT IS TRUE INDEED. Don't believe the lies, no matter how convincing! We hope that your response to this wicked world that tries to poison you and destroy your health in countless ways will be a simple and resounding, "I AM WELL", no matter what, going forward.

To the remnant of true Christians out there, BE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS! FINISH STRONG! Don't be weary of well doing! Soon enough we will look up and declare, "Our redemption draweth nigh!"

To any wicked servants of Satan who may find their way here, we break your curses in Jesus' name! We pray that you repent and submit to the Lord Jesus while you can. Heaven and hell are real. The eternal lake of fire is real. Please don't go there. Jesus loves you and will welcome you with open arms! He is infinitely more powerful than Satan! He will prove it to you if you ask! Be forewarned that we are not passive. We will pray for you and do our best to serve you, but if you insist on escalating your curses in an attempt to take our lives, your curses will be sent back on you, in accordance with Psalm 109 and Psalm 140.

The I AM WELL brand is committed to resisting wickedness, through the anointing of a warrior spirit from God Almighty, such that we will endure until the very end. We pray that anyone who chooses to associate with this business and any of our ministries will choose to embrace this same warrior way-of-being, and commitment to endurance. We hope that you will choose to DO ALL TO STAND, through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Welcome to our little resistance to the anti-Christ's beast one-world system! We hope you will read your Bible everyday, and join us in prayer and spiritual warfare against Satan and his demons. We hope that you will help someone else to be set free from the clutches of the kingdom of darkness. We hope that you will do your part to destroy the strongholds of the enemy, in Jesus' name.

*Legally, we could have just released products under our ministry and avoided paying a ton of taxes. This would have been a reproach. Give to Caesar that which is Caesar's right? So this I Am Well company is a legal entity which is separate from I Am Well Ministries and the I Am Well Church. Since we know how to create and run businesses, we are leveraging every talent we have to build His kingdom. Know that profits from this for-profit business will still be leveraged to further the gospel of Jesus Christ. But, if you have an interest in supporting our ministry efforts more directly, please consider making a tax deductible donation to the church directly at www.iamwellministries.org or www.iamwellchurch.org*

Godspeed to the true brethren!

Stay well and be blessed!